About Interference

What's all this then?

Interference is all about a breakdown in communication: start a game with a description, then see what happens as other players take turns to draw and describe. It won’t take long for the original message to get lost in translation and turn into something completely different (and hilarious!).

Get started by signing in and then click play. Not ready to join in yet? Check out the gallery to see the kinds of crazy misunderstandings that happen!

Looking for rules? Check the terms/privacy page, but in brief: be nice to each other and keep your drawings/descriptions safe for work.

The Team

Who makes all this?

Interference is developed and run by Centrifuge, a (very) small games studio in Staffordshire UK. There's two of us: Breadmower (development) and Bunnery ("Everything but the code") - we're generally known as "Team IFX" within the game (and you can recognise us by our purple usernames).


Breadmower was originally a Network Manager, but ended up accidentally getting involved in all kinds of things like: training sysadmins (for IBM, HP, the MoD, and other random places) and starting a software company that spawned a new segment in school communications. He's the co-founder of Centrifuge and is now spending all of his time developing games like Interference, Loose Vowels, Rogue Drones, and Zeitgeist.


Bunnery has always been a librarian in various institutions including colleges, universities and the BBC. Currently she's working part time at a local library, but also co-founded Centrifuge and spends the rest of her time working games content (like all of the puzzles for Loose Vowels, and the questions for Zeitgeist). She also wites almost all of the Interference social media posts.


Ferret - though currently on sabbatical - is our community manager, keeping the game and forums running smoothly, along with providing support when players run into trouble. She describes herself as a lover of video games, anime, cups of tea, and cute kitties.